August 27 2024 | 8 Min Read

Freight auditing cost models: Essential knowledge in the age of outsourcing

Posted By
Nicole Rodriguez
Freight auditing cost models: Essential knowledge in the age of outsourcing

Picture it; you’re working your way through another Monday. You’ve put out the fires from the weekend, and now’s the time you usually review your freight invoices for errors. You find that everything looks okay at the first glance, but then, the accessorial charges give you pause. You decide to return to this task tomorrow, but when the next day finally starts, you’re looking at four new invoices with similar issues. You cannot quite pinpoint what’s wrong, but you know that something is amiss.

You need to audit your invoices to figure out what’s happening fully, but again, you have responsibilities pulling you away and lack the time to dig into what’s happening.

This scenario is all too common and almost an archetype in today’s logistics. Understanding freight auditing cost models is crucial for optimizing supply chain operations and not losing control of your finances. Many opt for outsourced auditing for this specific reason, but outsourcing introduces new challenges that businesses must navigate. Meanwhile, the auditing industry is expanding, adding to the complexity of figuring out exactly what to do. According to Yahoo Finance, "The global freight audit and payment market is projected to surpass US$ 3,147.1 million by 2032, up from US$ 727.1 million in 2023, at a CAGR of 17.68% during the forecast period 2024–2032." With such rapid growth, shippers need to understand how to manage the complexities and challenges associated with freight auditing and how it affects total freight spend. 

What impacts freight invoice auditing complexity?

freight auditing cost with a red truck

Freight auditing can be complex due to the involvement of multiple carriers, varying billing practices, and diverse shipping methods. Each carrier may have unique billing structures and pricing models, making it difficult to standardize the audit process. Additionally, the diversity in shipping modes, such as air, sea, and ground freight, adds another layer of complexity, requiring detailed scrutiny to ensure all charges are justified.

Without proper auditing, errors and inaccuracies in billing and payments can occur, impacting your bottom line and operational efficiency. Billing errors can stem from incorrect freight rates, duplicate charges, or overlooked discounts. In many instances, errors may not greatly affect total costs, but they could lead to inaccurate assumptions or insights about your supply chain strategy. Ensuring invoice accuracy through meticulous freight audits can prevent such financial discrepancies and enhance trust with shipping carriers.

Delays in payment processing can further disrupt cash flow and strain carrier relationships, affecting transportation spend and financial performance. Depending on your rapport with carriers, if you don’t pay on time, you don’t get service. It’s really that simple, and then, you will experience delays in getting your product to your customers, too. Efficient transportation management services and robust audit processes can mitigate these risks, ensuring smoother operations and fostering better carrier relationships.

Solutions for effective freight auditing

Adopting the right freight auditing cost models means considering the bigger picture–your overall goals. Some of the top freight auditing models include:

two women reducing their freight audit costs

  • Transaction-Based Cost Model: Charges a fee for each transaction audited, providing flexibility and scalability
  • Subscription-Based Cost Model: A fixed fee is charged periodically, offering predictable costs and ease of budgeting.
  • Performance-Based Cost Model: Charges are based on the savings identified during the audit, aligning costs with realized benefits.
  • Hybrid Cost Model: Combines elements of multiple models, tailored to meet specific business needs and conditions.

Benefits of choosing the right freight auditing cost model

Selecting the appropriate cost model offers several advantages that contribute to improved supply chain performance, such as the following: 

  • Accurate auditing reduces errors in freight invoices, ensuring financial integrity and better carrier relationships. 
  • Optimized auditing processes can identify and eliminate unnecessary costs, improving overall cost efficiency. 
  • Streamlined auditing processes reduce administrative burden, allowing businesses to focus on core operations and strategic initiatives. 
  • Accurate and timely audit data supports better decision-making, enhancing logistics performance and supply chain resilience. 

Implement effective freight auditing with IL2000

Implementing an effective freight auditing strategy isn’t an overnight process. Failure to consider the whole picture and your needs will result in choosing an auditing service that only solves part of the problem. Rather, you need a partner that understands the realities of auditing and how it can lead to improved profitability. IL2000 understands the nuances of freight auditing and will work with your team to ensure accuracy in billing and payments, streamline operations, and achieve cost savings. Connect with an IL2000 auditing expert to enhance your freight auditing and payment practices as part of your transportation management strategy. 

Want to get in touch right now? Fill out the form below!

Topics: Supply Chain Management, Business Intelligence, Data Insights, Logistics Technology

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