Supply Chain Consulting

Freight Management Consulting | Managed Transportation | Supply Chain Consulting | Thought Leadership

IL2000’s new boilerplate leads market change

As we enter our next 25 years, we’re updating how we talk about ourselves. It’s more than a boilerplate update. This shift speaks to the essence of wh...

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Supply Chain Management | Logistics Technology | Supply Chain Consulting

Our proven process part 3: IL2000's impact across industries

Welcome to the final installment of our blog series! In our previous posts, on actionable insights in logistics and our role as a managed transportati...

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History of Supply Chain | Supply Chain Management | SME (Subject Matter Expert) | Supply Chain Optimization | Supply Chain Consulting

Rare sighting: supply chain consultants

If we consider a consultant as someone who advises decision-makers, they have been around since the dawn of antiquity – Marco Polo, Colbert, Hamilton,...

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